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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Oh well .

Oh well I have no idea what topic should I start with.
A lot of things has happened recently.
yeaa , IT JUST A LOTS.

Sadness and happiness just mixed up my mind.

Oh well , since when my English become so fluent? haha
Quite unbelievable what.
#Imma mother father gentleman


Many things popped out of my mind , but Idk how to type it .

Firstly , about friendships.

Is a friend more important or a lover more important?

We seldom chat recently. 
Do you realize it? I bet you don't .

Things just turned out sucks.

Our relationship become further and further.
Who knows if one day I will just passing beside you like a stranger? haha
But I guess you wouldn't care about it , right?
And we also don't care about you too actually.
It is you , yourself who ruined our friendship . So why should we care so much?

You have changed alot . Since when ? Hmm , I don't really remember..
maybe since that time when you had your first BF.

Before you have a BF , we can always chit-chatting about anything and you are always be our side whenever we need you.
But after you have a BF , your attitude has changed 180degree.
Idk whether your beloved BF influence you or what . And I am not interest to know also.
#Who cares about this shit actually?
But are you really going to give up our 6years++ friendship just because of your boyfriend?
You are so childish you know? You stupid dumbass !
You know what? You has turned become so selfish.
And I am really really disappointed with you.

You always said that you wouldn't betray us . But what you have did?
Are you fooling us?
Are you happy to see this situation?
Maybe YES.

I really can't stand with your attitude.
You cheated on us.
You cheated on your boyfriend.
And I have no idea why those guys will forgive you and act like nothing has happened.
You are in a relationship with 2 guys in the same time and you are still going to say that you are single or nobody loves you those shit things.

Why don't you realize what you did wrong? 
Or are you enjoying to be loved by many people?

( owhh , by the way this word is quite harsh . sorry

okay , that's enough.
There is just only one phrase that I can describe you 水性杨花 .

Families .

I have no idea why I always get scolded

And for you , adults .
Ain't not what you did is right
and ain't not what we children did is wrong
Please think about it before you scold us.
Because I feel like I am just so innocent to be scolded by you .

By the way,
I have also no idea why some people prefer to believe in other people and don't believe in her/his own child.

hmm , let it just end here . I am really sleepy now xD haha

- - - THE END - - -

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